latest 20 messages by alexfu

+ [2014-02-05T01:09:20Z] alexfu jashank: variable, rather
+ [2014-02-05T01:09:09Z] alexfu jashank: is 'site' a global keyword?
+ [2014-02-05T01:01:21Z] alexfu jashank: oh ok
+ [2014-02-05T00:40:14Z] alexfu cant seem to find docs on it
+ [2014-02-05T00:40:07Z] alexfu what does the auto keyword in _config.yaml represent?
+ [2014-02-04T22:36:48Z] alexfu parkr: thanks
+ [2014-02-04T21:29:50Z] alexfu Faltad_: move possts to drafts? is there no other way to exlcude posts?
+ [2014-02-04T21:27:09Z] alexfu Faltad_: ?
+ [2014-02-04T21:22:42Z] alexfu is there a way to exclude posts from building?
+ [2013-12-12T03:34:38Z] alexfu pontiki i resolved it by doing rake setup_github_pages
+ [2013-12-12T03:24:35Z] alexfu hm, mine doesnt
+ [2013-12-12T03:24:23Z] alexfu pontiki, u say _deploy should have it's own .git dir?
+ [2013-12-12T02:49:27Z] alexfu i'll give it a shot
+ [2013-12-12T02:48:49Z] alexfu pontik, would switching the branch and re-deploy work?
+ [2013-12-12T02:47:59Z] alexfu pontiki, it says it's on source branch…
+ [2013-12-12T02:47:00Z] alexfu pontiki, no, same as source
+ [2013-12-12T02:46:18Z] alexfu the _deploy dir is up to date
+ [2013-12-12T02:45:21Z] alexfu pontiki nope
+ [2013-12-12T02:43:06Z] alexfu pontiki: yes, it's up to date.
+ [2013-12-12T02:39:44Z] alexfu pontiki: