+[2014-02-04T21:29:50Z]alexfuFaltad_: move possts to drafts? is there no other way to exlcude posts? +[2014-02-04T21:47:58Z]jashankalexfu: There's an 'excludes' flag in _config.yml, but it's not quite ideal. I also recall an option in the YAML front-matter, but I don't know what it is. +[2014-02-04T21:54:46Z]jashankFaltad_: I'm not sure /docs/usage is the right place to put a warning about the destination wiping, but I'm also not sure where. +[2014-02-04T22:27:59Z]parkralexfu: regarding your question (http://irc.parkermoo.re/messages/17902/context) yes, you can set "published: false" in the YAML front-matter of a post +[2014-02-04T22:36:48Z]alexfuparkr: thanks
Faltad_: move possts to drafts? is there no other way to exlcude posts?
+[2014-02-05T00:40:07Z]alexfuwhat does the auto keyword in _config.yaml represent? +[2014-02-05T00:40:14Z]alexfucant seem to find docs on it +[2014-02-05T01:01:02Z]jashankalexfu: It's been deprecated; you now need to use the --watch/-w command-line argument to jekyll build. +[2014-02-05T01:01:21Z]alexfujashank: oh ok +[2014-02-05T01:04:35Z]jashankThat's a change that predates Jekyll 1.0.0, by the looks of things.