latest 5 messages by anandthakker

+ [2014-10-09T10:59:37Z] anandthakker Question about collections. The docs ( say that for a doc in a collection, doc.output should have the rendered output of the document. I’m getting nothing, even though doc.content contains the unrendered content. Any ideas?
+ [2014-09-16T21:47:01Z] anandthakker VxJasonxV: oops, meant to say—I haven’t fixed the bug yet and don’t have time tonight. wanted to log the issue (and/or test case) promptly, though
+ [2014-09-16T21:44:05Z] anandthakker Or is there not a dominant convention?
+ [2014-09-16T21:43:48Z] anandthakker etiquette question: if I’ve found a bug and written a (failing) test case for it, is it typically more convenient/desirable for me to submit (a) an issue with test code attached, (b) a pull request adding the failing test to the existing, or (c) both?