+ [2014-10-09T14:17:15Z] ilhami :D my remote host does not support ssh I think.
+ [2014-10-09T14:17:31Z] jaybe using file date/time wouldn't work without re-uploading everything because when rebuilding the site, everything is regenerated- which creates new date/timestamps
+ [2014-10-09T14:17:42Z] jaybe cack - ew - well - you'll figure it out. document it for later and you can learn from it.
+ [2014-10-09T14:18:02Z] ilhami Let me put all that in a document. :D
+ [2014-10-09T18:49:03Z] francis1 I keep getting an eroor everytime I got to install jekyll

message no. 52654

Posted by anandthakker in #jekyll at 2014-10-09T10:59:37Z

Question about collections. The docs (http://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/) say that for a doc in a collection, doc.output should have the rendered output of the document. I’m getting nothing, even though doc.content contains the unrendered content. Any ideas?
+ [2014-10-10T04:55:26Z] mchelen2 what install method & what error
+ [2014-10-10T04:55:36Z] mchelen2 oh he left
+ [2014-10-11T17:27:18Z] newface if anyone is around I could use some help
+ [2014-10-11T17:27:43Z] newface I am trying to learn the ins and outs of jekyll
+ [2014-10-11T17:27:47Z] newface any suggestions?