+ [2016-12-04T21:52:51Z] tarspace one question
+ [2016-12-04T21:53:39Z] tarspace I made a pull request to a repo and then I deleted this pull
+ [2016-12-04T21:53:45Z] tarspace and now in: Repositories you contribute to
+ [2016-12-04T21:53:48Z] tarspace I can see this
+ [2016-12-04T21:53:57Z] tarspace how I can remove it??

message no. 158140

Posted by andlabs in #github at 2016-12-04T18:15:48Z

ok, thanks anyway
+ [2016-12-05T00:20:12Z] Elsevier Is there a way to un-clutter the issues page which shows every commit --amend? Since I amended the commit a lot of time before finally issuing the PR and since I referenced the issue every time in the commit message, the page looks fully cluttered.
+ [2016-12-05T00:26:27Z] Elsevier Looks something like http://pastebin.com/N72EwGAP even though it's an amended commit. I realize an amended commit registers as a new commit since the hash changes but is there a way to just not show the older commit referencing the issues since those commits don't exist anymore?
+ [2016-12-05T06:59:56Z] allejo does github have an easy way to permalink to certain lines of code at the current revision? e.g. I can link to the master branch URL but when master changes then those line numbers would become out of sync
+ [2016-12-05T07:01:40Z] preaction you can link to certain lines at a certain revision, is that what you want?
+ [2016-12-05T07:02:21Z] allejo is there an easy way to get that URL without going to find the latest commit and renavigate to the file you want to link to?