latest 8 messages by awaxa

+ [2014-08-29T11:43:02Z] awaxa A044: i had the same question recently. i ended up using which is what i understand to be version 2
+ [2014-08-22T22:13:39Z] awaxa i’m still curious about what appears to be a major rewrite, and since i’m starting anew i would rather start with the latest major version rather than set myself up for an upgrade later. if anyone has any advice for me, i would greatly appreciate it
+ [2014-08-22T22:10:36Z] awaxa i’ve invested more than enough time into persuing using the octopress/octopress version. my friends and colleagues use imathis/octopress and it works well for them, so i think i should stop wasting time playing with tooling and just get going with something
+ [2014-08-22T22:08:14Z] awaxa thanks! it looks like it applies to
+ [2014-08-22T21:26:42Z] awaxa er, attempting to use
+ [2014-08-22T21:26:35Z] awaxa should i be using the latter instead of the former?
+ [2014-08-22T21:25:23Z] awaxa i’ve found a TON of stuff written for but it doesn’t seem to apply
+ [2014-08-22T21:24:35Z] awaxa i would very much appreciate recommendations for sort of ‘getting started’ documentation for