+ [2014-08-22T22:13:39Z] awaxa i’m still curious about what appears to be a major rewrite, and since i’m starting anew i would rather start with the latest major version rather than set myself up for an upgrade later. if anyone has any advice for me, i would greatly appreciate it
+ [2014-08-23T14:57:31Z] eaglerockdude first timer...have octopress question.
+ [2014-08-29T10:44:10Z] A044 Hi all! Which version of Octopress is major now? 3.0 RC or 2.0? I can't figure out which version I should use for a new blog.
+ [2014-08-29T11:43:02Z] awaxa A044: i had the same question recently. i ended up using https://github.com/imathis/octopress which is what i understand to be version 2

message no. 43681

Posted by awaxa in #octopress at 2014-08-29T11:43:02Z

A044: i had the same question recently. i ended up using https://github.com/imathis/octopress which is what i understand to be version 2
+ [2014-08-31T11:02:37Z] A044 Do I understand correctly that Inline Code plugin in Octopress 2.0 doesn't work with options 'start', 'end', 'range', etc? This options are described in the docs: http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/include-code/
+ [2014-08-31T11:05:03Z] A044 Sorry, Include Code, not Inline Code.
+ [2014-08-31T11:05:18Z] A044 Where can I find the version of Include Code plugin that supports these options?
+ [2014-09-04T11:08:41Z] timini I'm trying to get octopress running with gh-pages, I think I may have pushed the wrong branch to github. Can anyone help? https://github.com/timini/timini.github.io/tree/source/source
+ [2014-09-04T11:11:37Z] timini http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25664031/installing-octopress-on-github-pages-404