latest 20 messages by becker_11

+ [2017-02-01T05:34:05Z] becker_11 Hello, I need to rename an ssh keypair on my local machine & I'm wondering if that's going to cause any issues for github authentication?
+ [2016-04-24T05:22:52Z] becker_11 Yeah I nuked it. I need the name to be the same
+ [2016-04-24T05:18:29Z] becker_11 So I should just delete the entire directory and start fresh?
+ [2016-04-24T05:16:15Z] becker_11 Yeah as usual simple things are never simple. That I keep learning again and again
+ [2016-04-24T05:14:27Z] becker_11 Yeah I'm not really looking for a whole site/blog I'm just wanting to install this cover theme and get it running and leave it alone.
+ [2016-04-24T05:11:41Z] becker_11 Do you have any advice about the error message in the screenshot I posted
+ [2016-04-24T05:09:14Z] becker_11 are you saying jekyll theme:switch isn't correct?
+ [2016-04-24T05:08:13Z] becker_11 I've been following the guidelines outlined here
+ [2016-04-24T05:07:36Z] becker_11 I'm brand new myself so I'll say yes as I don't know any different
+ [2016-04-24T05:06:26Z] becker_11 When I run jekyll serve after doing jekyll theme:switch it still uses the original theme not the newly installed theme
+ [2016-04-24T05:04:27Z] becker_11 the theme I've installed isn't working when I run jekyll serve even though it switches with no errors
+ [2016-04-24T04:58:54Z] becker_11 So I've just deleted the theme entirely and reinstalled and there was an error message. I've taken a screenshot so you can see what happened.
+ [2016-04-24T04:41:47Z] becker_11 jekyll serve from the main directory I should say is giving me the original bootstrap theme not my newly installed theme
+ [2016-04-24T04:40:39Z] becker_11 I've got jekyll installed on my Mac and I've installed the theme I want to use. IF I jekyll serve from the theme folder everything looks perfect but doing the theme:switch isn't working. (no errors thou) it still displays the bootstrap theme
+ [2016-04-24T04:39:46Z] becker_11 Would someone be able to give me a little assistance if at all possible please?
+ [2016-03-28T07:40:25Z] becker_11 Rcmainak: my point was more about the fact I can't discuss things over a coffee with someone. I have to search/read and hopefully understand.
+ [2016-03-28T07:38:04Z] becker_11 Rcmainak: osx doesn't have Notepad++ and I don't use Sublime but thanks for the heads up. I actually quite like Atom
+ [2016-03-28T07:37:27Z] becker_11 Rcmainak: no worries! It's challenging trying to learn by yourself online. can feel like carving stone sometimes
+ [2016-03-28T07:35:00Z] becker_11 Rcmainak: the initial issue though was getting the local branch I'd newly created to github. Even the cheatsheat I found didn't cover it.. Finally found the answer though on google