+ [2016-04-24T21:57:12Z] miklb was just looking at your gist. you have include Layouts/file.html I've never used capture. Just helping point in direction of docs
+ [2016-04-24T21:57:36Z] miklb your welcome?
+ [2016-04-24T21:58:37Z] spudowiar fusion809: np

message no. 132980

Posted by becker_11 in #jekyll at 2016-04-24T04:58:54Z

So I've just deleted the theme entirely and reinstalled and there was an error message. I've taken a screenshot so you can see what happened. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6qrihzeheg0wnd3/Screenshot%202016-04-24%2013.00.36.png?dl=0
+ [2016-04-25T00:25:53Z] jaybe [[ includes ]] ftw
+ [2016-04-25T00:25:53Z] jekyllrb (includes) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/templates/#includes
+ [2016-04-25T10:05:50Z] Dimitrie /buffers/pl
+ [2016-04-25T18:07:09Z] tools__ Can some one help me with this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36742674/use-page-attribute-in-include-statement-jekyll
+ [2016-04-25T18:07:10Z] jekyllrb Title: ruby - Use page attribute in include statement jekyll - Stack Overflow (at stackoverflow.com)