latest 20 messages by boegel

+ [2015-09-23T11:37:25Z] boegel I think I'm seeing an issue with the GitHub sending our Jenkins server multiple events for a single issue comment (via a web hook), is this a known issue? can I report it somewhere?
+ [2015-09-20T15:56:51Z] boegel Remram: it should be treated as "all rights reserved" afaik
+ [2015-09-18T15:51:12Z] boegel are there any issues with the GitHub API, perhaps?
+ [2015-09-18T15:48:49Z] boegel unsure whether the issue is on the GitHub end, or with our Jenkins server...
+ [2015-09-18T15:46:14Z] boegel about 2 hours ago, GitHub webhooks payloads have failed to come through, according to the GitHub interface
+ [2015-09-18T15:45:43Z] boegel is there a known issue with webhooks? seems like our Jenkins server is getting hammered with tons of pull request, but I don't see where they're coming from
+ [2015-06-02T18:45:25Z] boegel nvm scamicha ;)
+ [2015-06-02T18:45:19Z] boegel ah crap, I'm mixing up channels again >_<
+ [2015-06-02T18:42:05Z] boegel welcome to #easybuild :)
+ [2015-06-02T18:42:00Z] boegel hi scamicha!
+ [2015-06-02T18:35:48Z] boegel nvm
+ [2015-06-02T18:35:47Z] boegel ah crap, wait, I'm mixing repos >_<
+ [2015-06-02T18:35:29Z] boegel e.g. vs
+ [2015-06-02T18:34:46Z] boegel I'm trying to figure out the build status of PRs via the GitHub rest API, but I'm only getting empty lists (even though the PRs do have a status, assigned by our Jenkins server)
+ [2015-06-02T18:34:04Z] boegel hiya!
+ [2015-03-27T16:15:22Z] boegel the patches in the commits being listed are there, but the commit IDs are different in the master branch (due to rebasing)
+ [2015-03-27T16:14:04Z] boegel that should be an empty diff
+ [2015-03-27T16:13:59Z] boegel ok, something is broken for sure, this doesn't make sense:
+ [2015-03-27T15:53:19Z] boegel disappears
+ [2015-03-27T15:53:15Z] boegel wait, no, nvm, seems like this is our screwup