+[2015-09-18T15:37:46Z]jeffreylevesquewhere do i put that? +[2015-09-18T15:45:43Z]boegelis there a known issue with webhooks? seems like our Jenkins server is getting hammered with tons of pull request, but I don't see where they're coming from +[2015-09-18T15:46:14Z]boegelabout 2 hours ago, GitHub webhooks payloads have failed to come through, according to the GitHub interface +[2015-09-18T15:48:49Z]boegelunsure whether the issue is on the GitHub end, or with our Jenkins server... +[2015-09-18T15:51:12Z]boegelare there any issues with the GitHub API, perhaps?
unsure whether the issue is on the GitHub end, or with our Jenkins server...
+[2015-09-19T03:24:04Z]blobbagusHelp with cleaning up my history? +[2015-09-19T06:42:07Z]hendryhi, how do i clone this pull request to my local fs? https://github.com/oetiker/RrdGraphJS/pull/2 +[2015-09-19T07:01:46Z]milkihendry: https://help.github.com/articles/checking-out-pull-requests-locally/ +[2015-09-19T07:38:38Z]hendrymilki: there is no command line option on my screen +[2015-09-19T10:45:10Z]IvoHi, I'm trying to use hub, I am using "hub am -3 https://url" and its giving me not authorized error... am I not allowed to get commits from others pull requests?