+ [2015-04-02T17:53:59Z] stevecrozz the best performance i've found so far is just s3 static site hosting with cloudfront
+ [2015-04-02T17:54:12Z] stevecrozz no servers to manage is also a nice bonus
+ [2015-04-02T17:56:14Z] nateive thanks stevecrozz - ok s3 would be another option thanks
+ [2015-04-02T18:46:56Z] Ohga hello. I'm on windows and after simply creating a site (jekyll new) and changing to windows line endings the files in the generated site have *nix line endings. Is this by design or bug?
+ [2015-04-02T18:47:36Z] Ohga I should get generated files with widows endings, right?

message no. 87617

Posted by bret in #jekyll at 2015-04-02T01:23:30Z

yeah, travis can do custom jekyll deployment stuff, its a bit more complicated
+ [2015-04-03T14:28:26Z] ballingt I upgraded 3.0.0.pre.beta2 and am seeing new behavior (serves be right of course) - where can I find docs for this version? Specifically I'm seeing files in my site root not being built.
+ [2015-04-03T14:30:16Z] jaybe ballingt, for the latest/current "real-time" docs, i would fork the jekyll repo, then change into the site/ directory and serve it. you can then browse latest docs locally at localhost:4000 :)
+ [2015-04-03T14:31:01Z] ballingt Whoops, it was the incremental build feature - I deleted some files in the build manually and they weren't being regenerated
+ [2015-04-03T14:31:29Z] ballingt Thanks jaybe, I'll do that and take a look before I run into new behavior I'm not expected.
+ [2015-04-03T14:31:59Z] jaybe ballingt, yah, incremental build is awesome, but can bite you and has some quirks. there is a build flag to override and rebuild all.