latest 11 messages by ceda_

+ [2016-05-26T16:54:47Z] ceda_ thanks for your questions and interest. :-)
+ [2016-05-26T16:54:16Z] ceda_ anyhow, it works well enough now for that site. Might pop in again if I can't lock my other sites down to Jekyll 2.x.
+ [2016-05-26T16:53:41Z] ceda_ is the first error message I got.
+ [2016-05-26T16:50:18Z] ceda_ I guess it is, and that might be a good recommendation. It's actually what I did. (create a new site, save _config.yml in /tmp, copy old content in, see if I can serve it
+ [2016-05-26T16:48:24Z] ceda_ for migration? if so, shouldn't it say so?
+ [2016-05-26T16:47:37Z] ceda_ the "migration from 2 to 3" documentation on was of no help either (and there's no mentioning of how is related, or can be used)
+ [2016-05-26T16:46:19Z] ceda_ There's some documentation on jekyll/docker that says "If you provide a Gemfile ...", but it doesn't tell you where to create on, or why you'd want to. The docs talks about a "gems: []" section in _config.xml. I decided I didn't want to learn bundler, nor Ruby and read the source to figure out how things actually work.
+ [2016-05-26T16:45:01Z] ceda_ the issues I had were all related to Ruby gems
+ [2016-05-26T16:44:25Z] ceda_ I was using the redcarpet markdown parser (my other sites depended on feature there, will be interesting to see how I can move that) but most everything else was pretty vanilla
+ [2016-05-26T16:43:37Z] ceda_ nope, too much Ruby magic for me. I simply removed my old _config.yml and copied in the new one that you get from "jekyll new my-site"
+ [2016-05-26T16:27:52Z] ceda_ looks like my problems are all related to having a _config.yml file that worked with Jekyll 2.x, but not 3.x