+ [2016-05-26T19:32:42Z] jekyllrb talk.jekyllrb.com is an alias for talk.jekyll.public.envygeeks.io. and talk.jekyll.public.envygeeks.io has address
+ [2016-05-26T19:39:22Z] jaybe gynter, ^
+ [2016-05-26T19:57:37Z] gynter same here, but httpd there does not respond for me
+ [2016-05-26T21:13:42Z] jaybe odd; might be a local routing thing. i've seen some weirdness with cable provider dns recently. reset/reboot solved it. odd
+ [2016-05-26T23:43:17Z] travis-ci jekyll/github-metadata#164 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/github-metadata/builds/133256214

message no. 136759

Posted by ceda_ in #jekyll at 2016-05-26T16:50:18Z

I guess it is, and that might be a good recommendation. It's actually what I did. (create a new site, save _config.yml in /tmp, copy old content in, see if I can serve it
+ [2016-05-27T00:04:40Z] lymitz Hey folks, I'm having some compilation issues with the jekyll-assets gem where it's not compiling anything in the _assets dir.
+ [2016-05-27T00:04:55Z] lymitz Would anyone be able to help me debug, i'm stuck.
+ [2016-05-27T01:26:31Z] lymitz i think it might be because im referencing my js/css with <script> / <link> tags instead of liquid, which causes it not to trigger a compile step ?
+ [2016-05-27T01:33:06Z] Gondlar have you tried that then?
+ [2016-05-27T03:14:57Z] jaybe [[ assets ]]