+ [2016-09-21T21:39:57Z] allejo unless there's some option out there
+ [2016-09-21T21:40:35Z] Perspicaciosity That makes sense to me. I'm just confused because this doc page seems to imply that it will?
+ [2016-09-21T21:41:04Z] Perspicaciosity Where it says "Commits to master will be stored in a local branch, upstream/master."
+ [2016-09-21T21:41:34Z] Perspicaciosity Maybe it's trying to say that the user should make a branch before fetching?

message no. 151004

Posted by chilversc in #github at 2016-09-21T12:11:05Z

canton7: ah, well that saves 1 click from there
+ [2016-09-22T07:34:40Z] xcesariox i need help anyone there?
+ [2016-09-22T07:35:24Z] allejo just ask your question, and if someone can help they will :)
+ [2016-09-22T07:38:21Z] TheLawyer could you please tell me how to search for projects that started after 2012 using the advanced search field "Created on the dates"
+ [2016-09-22T07:40:01Z] allejo ">2012-01-01"
+ [2016-09-22T07:40:43Z] TheLawyer thanks allejo