latest 9 messages by clatugaye

+ [2014-02-17T02:15:49Z] clatugaye but I'm looking for a cleaner solution
+ [2014-02-17T02:15:34Z] clatugaye <li>{{ page.title }} - {{ page.type}}</li>
+ [2014-02-17T02:15:33Z] clatugaye {% for page in process_pages %}
+ [2014-02-17T02:15:33Z] clatugaye I'm able to do this using a filter, {% assign process_pages = site.pages | filter_process_pages %}
+ [2014-02-17T02:14:43Z] clatugaye It is possible to extend Jekyll to define a custom collection of pages inside the site variable? Something like site.my_list_of_pages
+ [2014-02-07T21:33:02Z] clatugaye Hi all. It is possible to setup a default layout so I don't have to use the page front matter inside each page?