+ [2014-02-17T16:51:38Z] troyswanson _axx: you can use something like wufoo to iframe in a contact form
+ [2014-02-17T16:51:41Z] jaybe anyone familiar with concept of, and or status of, or any information about the possibility of using liquid variables within the *front matter*? e.g. within a post/page' front matter: e.g. layout: {{ site.theme }}/default
+ [2014-02-17T17:00:51Z] _axx troyswanson: oh, yeah, that would work too. thanks!
+ [2014-02-17T21:06:25Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2891 (unreleased-features-warnings-on-site) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/19065852

message no. 18908

Posted by clatugaye in #jekyll at 2014-02-17T02:15:33Z

{% for page in process_pages %}
+ [2014-02-18T00:01:55Z] pfenwick I wrote what I *thought* would be an easy plug-in to make pull-quotes. Technically it works, but it seems to generate a whole bunch of extra font-awesome <i ...> tags, which I'm not expecting. Do Jekyll tags try to add additional HTML markup or something, or try to mark-up each paragraph? https://gist.github.com/pjf/9061813
+ [2014-02-18T00:02:12Z] pfenwick Jekyll -> Liquid
+ [2014-02-18T00:28:31Z] pfenwick Hmm, it looks like for some reason my output isn't closing the <i> tag properly. Still investigating...
+ [2014-02-18T00:31:51Z] pfenwick Fixed. It looks like there was some odd interaction happening with markdown or a later generator. :)
+ [2014-02-18T04:10:16Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2901 (fix-windows-root-system-thingy) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/19086771