latest 16 messages by cmrabet

+ [2017-02-26T13:17:25Z] cmrabet Hello?
+ [2017-02-26T13:09:57Z] cmrabet It seems from the documentation that jekyll accepts only one source directory
+ [2017-02-26T13:09:27Z] cmrabet Is there anyway to set multiple folders where to store the static pages content? I'm working on a multi-lang site, and I would like to have its content in independent folders that I can push in git for others to translate without having to mess with everything else (includes,layouts, etc..).
+ [2017-02-26T13:08:11Z] cmrabet Hi all
+ [2017-02-18T10:39:10Z] cmrabet anyway to specify a folder for static pages that is different from the one for posts?
+ [2017-02-18T10:38:33Z] cmrabet Hi all
+ [2017-02-17T23:51:08Z] cmrabet OK, another question: does the source directory config parameter also apply to the static page files that we need to put in the project's root folder?
+ [2017-02-17T23:49:04Z] cmrabet Do you guys know if this can be done with Jekyll?
+ [2017-02-17T23:48:51Z] cmrabet So I separate content from structure, so the people who will write the content only need to deal with markdown.
+ [2017-02-17T23:48:11Z] cmrabet I want to be able to have 1 repo (1 directory) with the config.yml file plus the static pages and everything related to the design (includes, layouts, etc..), and then 3 more repos (3 directories) with the posts and any other markdown for each language.
+ [2017-02-17T23:46:48Z] cmrabet By the way, this is because the website will be multilingual
+ [2017-02-17T23:46:29Z] cmrabet Is there any way to have multiple source directories?
+ [2017-02-17T23:46:20Z] cmrabet I've seen in the config.yml I can set the source directory, but this will be for all, the posts , pages and everything else.
+ [2017-02-17T23:45:54Z] cmrabet I want to do this so each group pulls and pushes their version of language without changing the design and structure of the web
+ [2017-02-17T23:45:28Z] cmrabet I have 3 groups of people who will be translating a website into multiple languages. I wanted to store the website in github, creating 4 different repos, 1 with the config.yml and the _layouts, _includes and root static page folders, and then 3 more repos with the posts and markdown content for each languages.
+ [2017-02-17T23:43:48Z] cmrabet Hi all