+[2017-02-17T23:46:48Z]cmrabetBy the way, this is because the website will be multilingual +[2017-02-17T23:48:11Z]cmrabetI want to be able to have 1 repo (1 directory) with the config.yml file plus the static pages and everything related to the design (includes, layouts, etc..), and then 3 more repos (3 directories) with the posts and any other markdown for each language. +[2017-02-17T23:48:51Z]cmrabetSo I separate content from structure, so the people who will write the content only need to deal with markdown. +[2017-02-17T23:49:04Z]cmrabetDo you guys know if this can be done with Jekyll? +[2017-02-17T23:51:08Z]cmrabetOK, another question: does the source directory config parameter also apply to the static page files that we need to put in the project's root folder?
By the way, this is because the website will be multilingual
+[2017-02-18T10:38:33Z]cmrabetHi all +[2017-02-18T10:39:10Z]cmrabetanyway to specify a folder for static pages that is different from the one for posts? +[2017-02-18T14:33:23Z]jaybeuse a different folder; done +[2017-02-18T15:49:14Z]olleharhello. +[2017-02-18T15:49:33Z]olleharis it possible to add certain "mini-templates", e.g. divs for "tips" or such?