latest 4 messages by codeman7

+ [2014-08-19T22:44:59Z] codeman7 Hello I'm having trouble with default layouts in my _config.yml. my first one with scope path: "" works (so pages are layout: page), but then I've got scope: path: "_posts" values: layout: "post", and that doesn't work for posts for some reason... any ideas?
+ [2014-08-19T20:20:37Z] codeman7 Ok that makes sense. Thank you!
+ [2014-08-19T20:16:30Z] codeman7 jaybe Hmm, didn't seem to be able to get it to work. Maybe best to leave it alone.
+ [2014-08-19T20:12:07Z] codeman7 Hello! I've got my Jekyll site set up so that I can access pages at ... is there a way to have these pages without the trailing /s?