+[2014-08-19T20:20:37Z]codeman7Ok that makes sense. Thank you! +[2014-08-19T22:36:49Z]Pandemic_ForceI upgraded to version 2.3.0, and since then when I attempt to build my site, it tells me "Defaults: Please update your front-matter defaults to use 'type: posts'." So, I do that, however when I change it, jekyll fails to build and it tells me "did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping +[2014-08-19T22:36:59Z]Pandemic_Forcefor my config file +[2014-08-19T22:44:59Z]codeman7Hello I'm having trouble with default layouts in my _config.yml. my first one with scope path: "" works (so pages are layout: page), but then I've got scope: path: "_posts" values: layout: "post", and that doesn't work for posts for some reason... any ideas? http://pastebin.com/0qdmFPEF +[2014-08-19T23:50:33Z]jaybePandemic_Force, your front matter defaults are likely wrong/incorrect. disable/comment out/remove and get things working. then you can look at adding back front matter defaults.
jaybe Hmm, didn't seem to be able to get it to work. Maybe best to leave it alone.
+[2014-08-20T00:53:23Z]AnsiktHow do I customize the URLs generated by Jekyll? +[2014-08-20T00:54:54Z]AnsiktSpecifically, every file in my _posts/ directory is being moved to /{base_directory}/category1[/category2]/YYYY/MM/DD/post-name.html +[2014-08-20T00:55:08Z]AnsiktHow do I override this behavior? +[2014-08-20T00:55:43Z]Ansikt(honestly, the biggest thing for me would be simply to remove the leading slash) +[2014-08-20T00:59:43Z]rubygeekso you have /blog/category/YYY/MM/DD and you want it to be /category/YYY/MM/DD ?