latest 20 messages by dRealm

+ [2017-02-19T10:05:10Z] dRealm This might be obvious, but I am not sure.
+ [2017-02-19T10:03:45Z] dRealm When a PR is sent to the base repo (upstream), does the person reviewing the PR have the choice of merging in a specific commit on the PR branch?
+ [2017-02-19T08:30:00Z] dRealm I've checked my commit log, and there is not a commit # that begins with (or contains the substring) 9e09605
+ [2017-02-19T08:28:44Z] dRealm The message on github says, "sama merged commit 9e09605 into <gh_username>:master"
+ [2017-02-19T08:26:31Z] dRealm When a pull request gets merged upstream ("the base repo" or "the base fork"), is that a new commit into the base repo?
+ [2017-02-19T08:24:01Z] dRealm
+ [2017-02-13T13:30:40Z] dRealm Why is it necessary for me to add a CNAME file to the repo which GH Pages use as sources in order for my DNS Provider to redirect to my site on GitHub Pages?
+ [2017-02-13T13:27:55Z] dRealm
+ [2017-02-13T12:58:02Z] dRealm I just want it to host my index.html in my repo for crying out loud
+ [2017-02-13T12:57:39Z] dRealm tobiasvl, it appears GitHub pages are generated/built built based on the file
+ [2017-02-13T12:56:04Z] dRealm tobiasvl, what do you mean flat html?
+ [2017-02-13T12:55:38Z] dRealm tobiasvl, I have been reading the help docs and watching videos on Youtube.
+ [2017-02-13T11:59:09Z] dRealm I don't need to turn my GitHub repo into websites b/c the project files in the repo are already for a website.
+ [2017-02-13T11:56:44Z] dRealm I just watched
+ [2017-02-13T11:56:27Z] dRealm How?
+ [2017-02-13T11:56:18Z] dRealm I want to GitHub Pages to host it.
+ [2017-02-13T11:56:05Z] dRealm I am managing (version controlling) the webpage I am developing on GitHub
+ [2017-02-13T11:43:01Z] dRealm hi
+ [2017-02-13T03:29:00Z] dRealm
+ [2017-02-13T03:28:46Z] dRealm but it gives me this: