+ [2017-02-19T08:26:31Z] dRealm When a pull request gets merged upstream ("the base repo" or "the base fork"), is that a new commit into the base repo?
+ [2017-02-19T08:28:44Z] dRealm The message on github says, "sama merged commit 9e09605 into <gh_username>:master"
+ [2017-02-19T08:30:00Z] dRealm I've checked my commit log, and there is not a commit # that begins with (or contains the substring) 9e09605
+ [2017-02-19T10:03:45Z] dRealm When a PR is sent to the base repo (upstream), does the person reviewing the PR have the choice of merging in a specific commit on the PR branch?
+ [2017-02-19T10:05:10Z] dRealm This might be obvious, but I am not sure.

message no. 164021

Posted by dRealm in #github at 2017-02-19T10:03:45Z

When a PR is sent to the base repo (upstream), does the person reviewing the PR have the choice of merging in a specific commit on the PR branch?
+ [2017-02-20T02:00:43Z] sz0 how can i find a pull request by only having head ref?
+ [2017-02-20T07:05:31Z] raedah is there any way to get a black background on github?
+ [2017-02-20T07:06:21Z] Seveas_ sz0: compare the sha1 with what git ls-remote origin refs/pull/*/head gives you
+ [2017-02-20T07:06:42Z] Seveas_ (assuming 'origin' is the repo the PR's are in)
+ [2017-02-20T17:00:32Z] sz0 Seveas: thanks for the reply. i have ended up using search and pull request api endpoints