latest 10 messages by diginet

+ [2017-02-23T08:53:36Z] diginet include a css file
+ [2017-02-23T08:53:34Z] diginet err sorry
+ [2017-02-23T08:53:31Z] diginet slightly unclear to me: what is the best practice to include a theme to a pre-existing template?
+ [2017-02-23T05:54:12Z] diginet okay: figured out the issue, apparently regen doesn't work on the config.yml file?
+ [2017-02-23T05:52:33Z] diginet apparently it doesn't work on some 32-bit systems? but I'm running 64-bit windows 7
+ [2017-02-23T05:50:52Z] diginet any idea on why this might be? googling hasn't helped, sadly
+ [2017-02-23T05:50:44Z] diginet what's odd is that even jekyll serve --watch --force_polling doesn't work
+ [2017-02-23T05:50:26Z] diginet along with the appropriate line in the gemfile
+ [2017-02-23T05:50:14Z] diginet I'm on Windows 7, and I have the wdm gem install installed
+ [2017-02-23T05:50:02Z] diginet auto-regen doesn't appear to be working for me