+ [2017-02-23T20:16:17Z] allejo e.g. if the minima theme has "vendor/..../minima/_includes/page.html" just create a "_includes/page.html" in your jekyll site and it'll overload the one available in the bundle
+ [2017-02-23T20:16:57Z] Kireji ahh, cool
+ [2017-02-23T20:17:30Z] Kireji figured that was hacky
+ [2017-02-23T23:09:25Z] libussa Hey guys, I'm wondering if someone is familiar with this plugin https://github.com/slashdotdash/jekyll-lunr-js-search I'm using it on a small site, and for some reason it's not generating a full search index (some words are there, some aren't)...The site is here: https://github.com/diese-french/malaubid
+ [2017-02-23T23:09:26Z] jekyllrb Title: GitHub - slashdotdash/jekyll-lunr-js-search: Jekyll + lunr.js = static websites with powerful full-text search using JavaScript (at github.com)

message no. 164169

Posted by diginet in #jekyll at 2017-02-23T05:50:44Z

what's odd is that even jekyll serve --watch --force_polling doesn't work
+ [2017-02-24T02:39:26Z] sphrak Hello, are pages stored in other places than the root of my jekyll folder? and ofc the generated ones in _site.
+ [2017-02-24T02:42:54Z] allejo That could be anywhere, really
+ [2017-02-24T02:42:59Z] allejo they*
+ [2017-02-24T02:44:23Z] sphrak allejo: well I have site A, in site A root - I have a page called page.md. which I try to edit, but changes dont appear on site once I push the changes to my server..
+ [2017-02-24T02:48:05Z] sphrak allejo: nevermind, I am a complete idiot. Didnt see the forest for all the trees