+[2015-10-03T20:54:50Z]Seveasdman777_alter: --decorate +[2015-10-03T20:54:54Z]gitinfoA nifty view of branches, tags, and other refs: git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all +[2015-10-03T20:54:54Z]Seveasalso, !lol +[2015-10-03T21:00:27Z]dman777_alterSeveas: nice....thanks +[2015-10-03T21:48:52Z]joake^^Is github having issues? I can't seem to download the windows installer - and i'm getting timeout when installing packages with npm
hmm... someone filed an issue in https://github.com/dman777/gulp-newy/issues and I never got a email
+[2015-10-04T00:23:06Z]balrog-k1nhi, is there a shortcut to updating a fork with changes from the oroigin without downloading all the commits and uploading them back to github? +[2015-10-04T00:53:49Z]milkibalrog-k1n: you can delete the repo and refork +[2015-10-04T00:53:53Z]milkibalrog-k1n: other than that, no +[2015-10-04T00:55:21Z]balrog-k1nmilki: thanks, that's good to know +[2015-10-04T00:56:10Z]balrog-k1nis now at 90% into the git push anyway