latest 9 messages by doebi

+ [2016-06-30T23:09:17Z] doebi main.scss ought to start with two lines of "---" pretty pedantic ;)
+ [2016-06-30T23:08:07Z] doebi ok, got it.
+ [2016-06-30T22:55:08Z] doebi ok another thing. scss doesn't seem to work for me. i have mi _*.scss files in "/_sass" and a main.scss in "/css"
+ [2016-06-30T19:18:14Z] doebi jaybe: thx, works now
+ [2016-06-30T19:17:55Z] doebi jaybe: hmm, yeah. i just figured. so _config.yml is only reloaded on explicit restart?
+ [2016-06-30T19:11:21Z] doebi i defined a peralink setting in my _config.yml but the changes didn't take effect. what am i missing?
+ [2015-07-16T01:51:48Z] doebi CausaMortis: what did you use before?
+ [2015-07-16T01:50:15Z] doebi VxJasonxV: k, thx
+ [2015-07-16T01:10:36Z] doebi where do i report bugs?