+ [2016-06-30T19:23:15Z] jaybe etc
+ [2016-06-30T19:24:29Z] miklb hmm ok http://cdn.miklb.com/images/miklb_on_freenode_IRC_Network__jekyll_110_users_nt_2016-06-30_15-23-58.png
+ [2016-06-30T22:55:08Z] doebi ok another thing. scss doesn't seem to work for me. i have mi _*.scss files in "/_sass" and a main.scss in "/css"
+ [2016-06-30T23:08:07Z] doebi ok, got it.
+ [2016-06-30T23:09:17Z] doebi main.scss ought to start with two lines of "---" pretty pedantic ;)

message no. 140968

Posted by doebi in #jekyll at 2016-06-30T19:11:21Z

i defined a peralink setting in my _config.yml but the changes didn't take effect. what am i missing?
+ [2016-07-01T03:05:04Z] hendry i noticed that index.md in my root dir gets converted to index.html in my _site
+ [2016-07-01T03:05:25Z] hendry but test.md or blah/index.md doesn't get converted to *.html... what am I missing?
+ [2016-07-01T03:07:54Z] miklb that's odd, my about.md converts to /about/index.html
+ [2016-07-01T03:10:28Z] hendry miklb: for e.g. https://kaihendry.github.io/blah/ is 404 https://github.com/kaihendry/kaihendry.github.io/tree/master/blah is the source
+ [2016-07-01T03:10:31Z] jekyllrb Title: kaihendry.github.io/blah at master · kaihendry/kaihendry.github.io · GitHub (at github.com)