+ [2013-12-31T03:00:33Z] durin lol
+ [2013-12-31T03:00:39Z] pontiki i don't feel that my "audience" such as it is, is going to comment on things anyway
+ [2013-12-31T03:00:45Z] durin if its a small site sure
+ [2013-12-31T03:00:52Z] pontiki cross-posting to fb and G+ gets more interaction
+ [2013-12-31T23:14:19Z] hahuang65 anyone know where I can get a nice icon for octopress so I can link to my blog from my webpage?

message no. 15879

Posted by durin in #octopress at 2013-12-31T03:00:45Z

if its a small site sure
+ [2014-01-01T00:32:03Z] g0tmi1k_ Small typo on the following web page
+ [2014-01-01T00:32:04Z] g0tmi1k_ http://octopress.org/help/
+ [2014-01-01T00:32:14Z] g0tmi1k_ 'repository to Gihub. '