latest 8 messages by eagle

+ [2015-05-05T21:25:53Z] eagle is there a preview to the genesis theme?
+ [2014-08-23T06:04:15Z] eagle because other gems are not signed
+ [2014-08-23T06:04:08Z] eagle well I know why...
+ [2014-08-23T06:03:51Z] eagle but I wonder why jekyll proposes a nonsecure way to install itself
+ [2014-08-23T06:03:31Z] eagle I know that
+ [2014-08-23T05:56:52Z] eagle recommends it
+ [2014-08-23T05:56:39Z] eagle says liquid is not signed, why not?
+ [2014-08-23T05:56:23Z] eagle new to ruby + gems, why does "gem install jekyll -P HighSecurity" not work