+ [2014-08-23T23:39:20Z] lhx1 Hi! Is there an easy way for the defaul url to be set to a 'page' instead of a list of the blog posts?
+ [2014-08-23T23:39:52Z] bret lhx1 yeah, fiddle with your ./index.html
+ [2014-08-23T23:40:07Z] bret remove the liquid that is displaying your blog posts
+ [2014-08-23T23:49:10Z] lhx1 bret: ty
+ [2014-08-23T23:49:53Z] bret if you haven't checked them out yet, the docs are a good read

message no. 42109

Posted by eagle in #jekyll at 2014-08-23T05:56:23Z

new to ruby + gems, why does "gem install jekyll -P HighSecurity" not work
+ [2014-08-24T16:26:43Z] stef1a is it possible to automatically generate a post filename based on its creation date and title attribute?
+ [2014-08-24T16:30:39Z] pontiki stef1a: not quite sure what you want; i wrote this little thor thingie: https://github.com/tamouse/jekyllpress
+ [2014-08-24T16:30:50Z] pontiki it will create a new post or a new page with a title
+ [2014-08-24T16:31:24Z] stef1a pontiki: each time i write a post, i don't want to figure out what to name the file. i want the filename to be generated for me (based on, say, today's date, and the title: line in the frontmatter)
+ [2014-08-24T16:31:50Z] pontiki yeah, take a look here: https://github.com/tamouse/jekyllpress/blob/master/lib/jekyllpress.rb