latest 15 messages by eightfold_

+ [2015-11-30T14:38:29Z] eightfold_ fris: ah, thanks!
+ [2015-11-30T14:35:22Z] eightfold_ how do i output the jekyll version to the html meta generator attribute?
+ [2013-10-09T15:08:19Z] eightfold_ seems like a bug to me
+ [2013-10-09T14:45:15Z] eightfold_ generated from _layouts/standard.html won't keep formatting like <p> etc. it is stripped.
+ [2013-10-09T14:45:15Z] eightfold_ i have a code snippet for a post format (kind of like wordpress post formats) called "standard". it is used on index.html to view "standard" posts and it is used in a layout called standard.html. that means i have the code for this "post format" in two places. so, i thought i should move it into an include. it is now in _includes/standard.html. i tried including this from both index.html and _layouts/standard.html. it does work, almost. trouble is the
+ [2013-10-09T14:44:11Z] eightfold_ oh, perhaps this is better in the #jekyll channel.
+ [2013-10-09T14:43:53Z] eightfold_ i have a code snippet for a post format (kind of like wordpress post formats) called "standard". it is used on index.html to view "standard" posts and it is used in a layout called standard.html. that means i have the code for this "post format" in two places. so, i thought i should move it into an include. it is now in _includes/standard.html. i tried including this from both index.html and _layouts/standard.html. it does work, almost. trouble is t
+ [2013-10-09T14:43:53Z] eightfold_ code generated from _layouts/standard.html won't keep formatting like <p> etc. it is stripped.
+ [2013-10-09T14:37:44Z] eightfold_ like "page"
+ [2013-10-09T14:37:27Z] eightfold_ jaybe: so "index" is a default variable?
+ [2013-10-09T13:47:14Z] eightfold_ does {% if index %} in work because has {% assign index = true %} ?