+ [2013-10-09T21:06:28Z] eightfold jaybe: arg, copy paasting wrong things
+ [2013-10-09T21:06:45Z] eightfold what bret wrote works :)
+ [2013-10-09T22:13:50Z] eightfold is sort supposed to work with for? like this: {% for tag in post.tags | sort %}
+ [2013-10-09T22:13:54Z] eightfold doesn't seem to
+ [2013-10-09T22:14:08Z] eightfold or isn't it an array?

message no. 11559

Posted by eightfold_ in #jekyll at 2013-10-09T14:45:15Z

i have a code snippet for a post format (kind of like wordpress post formats) called "standard". it is used on index.html to view "standard" posts and it is used in a layout called standard.html. that means i have the code for this "post format" in two places. so, i thought i should move it into an include. it is now in _includes/standard.html. i tried including this from both index.html and _layouts/standard.html. it does work, almost. trouble is the
+ [2013-10-10T01:54:14Z] jaybe eightfold, http://jekyll.alphavice.com/destination/examples/2013/10/03/sorting-categories-and-tags-alphabetically.html
+ [2013-10-10T01:55:07Z] jaybe eightfold, this is a pure liquid approach, which keeps from having to use plugin(s)
+ [2013-10-10T02:12:58Z] bret oh you guys are welcome, just passing things along :)
+ [2013-10-10T04:32:35Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/12352650
+ [2013-10-10T04:32:35Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll-import#135 (loaderror-gracefully - 6b8b6ce : Parker Moore): The build passed.