latest 11 messages by eni_

+ [2015-11-22T19:35:52Z] eni_ truncate filter. thanks i got it.
+ [2015-11-22T19:32:38Z] eni_ thanks.
+ [2015-11-22T19:32:37Z] eni_ hello, how do i truncate strings in jekyll ?? {{ post.content }} i want it to be {{ post.content[120] }} where i will only show 120 first characters.. or smth like this.
+ [2015-11-22T02:23:07Z] eni_ thanks PrincessZoey
+ [2015-11-22T02:23:05Z] eni_ _config.yml
+ [2015-11-22T02:16:20Z] eni_ my css path in index.html isn't right.. i wonder where i can change it.
+ [2015-11-22T02:14:41Z] eni_ thanks
+ [2015-11-22T02:14:40Z] eni_ hmm ok
+ [2015-11-22T01:20:28Z] eni_ i don't get jekyll yet.. how can i create a test page that is accessible through apache?
+ [2015-11-22T00:58:05Z] eni_ how do you "jekyll" with vps?
+ [2015-11-22T00:55:13Z] eni_ i can't run jekyll after doing gem install jekyll.