+ [2015-11-22T18:20:03Z] pontiki diff: https://github.com/tamouse/link_collection/compare/revert-to-links?expand=1
+ [2015-11-22T18:20:04Z] jekyllrb Title: Comparing master...revert-to-links · tamouse/link_collection · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2015-11-22T19:32:37Z] eni_ hello, how do i truncate strings in jekyll ?? {{ post.content }} i want it to be {{ post.content[120] }} where i will only show 120 first characters.. or smth like this.
+ [2015-11-22T19:32:38Z] eni_ thanks.
+ [2015-11-22T19:35:52Z] eni_ truncate filter. thanks i got it.

message no. 120916

Posted by eni_ in #jekyll at 2015-11-22T00:55:13Z

i can't run jekyll after doing gem install jekyll.
+ [2015-11-23T22:07:06Z] quarters hi. I'm using octopress, which runs on jekyll and rack and I was wondering if there's a way to set up octopress, or jekyll so that I can post entries directly onto the browser
+ [2015-11-23T22:07:32Z] jaybe quarters, github
+ [2015-11-23T22:07:35Z] jaybe quarters, prose.io
+ [2015-11-23T22:07:38Z] jaybe there are others out there too
+ [2015-11-23T22:08:46Z] quarters jaybe: do you mean search for a solution on github or that github is gem/plugin used to work with jekyll to do what I'm looking to do?