latest 7 messages by erick2red

+ [2013-06-26T14:43:18Z] erick2red in the mean time, which is the last stable version of octopress
+ [2013-06-26T14:43:14Z] erick2red jaybe, it doesn't work
+ [2013-06-26T14:40:08Z] erick2red jaybe, I'll try
+ [2013-06-26T14:37:08Z] erick2red is there a way for me to debug octopress rake preview action ?
+ [2013-06-26T14:10:46Z] erick2red I'm having an error with the octopress_gallery plugin and I want to know how to debug it in order to fix it
+ [2013-06-26T14:10:05Z] erick2red is there anyway for me to debug octopress rake preview action ?
+ [2013-05-21T19:49:21Z] erick2red does anyone knows how to create a poll using octopress ?