+ [12 years ago] erick2red jaybe, it doesn't work
+ [12 years ago] erick2red in the mean time, which is the last stable version of octopress
+ [12 years ago] jaybe SamWhited, see commit message for '0e4d900382ffaa4fafe2351a739a70a05260208b' within octo 2.1 branch.
+ [12 years ago] SamWhited jaybe: Ah, yup, looks like you were right. Thanks again

message no. 3442

Posted by erick2red in #octopress at 2013-06-26T14:43:18Z

in the mean time, which is the last stable version of octopress
+ [12 years ago] texasmynsted what is the latest version of jekyll that I can use with octopress? I want to do this —> http://yangsu.github.io/blog/2012/10/11/using-octopress-with-github-flavored-markdown-redcarpet/
+ [12 years ago] pontiki_ hard to answer someone who won't say what their errors are...