latest 10 messages by esr

+ [2016-12-20T23:54:21Z] esr Can anyone tell me how to set the Disqus PAGE_URL and PAGE_IDENTIFIER variables when using Jekyll?
+ [2016-12-07T10:22:53Z] esr Shouldn't the {% %} part be substututed before the asciidoc is rendered to HTML?
+ [2016-12-07T10:22:11Z] esr link:{% post-url 2016-12-07-down-on-the-test-farm.asciidoc %}[post on the test farm]
+ [2016-12-07T10:21:28Z] esr OK, I'm confused. If I write this in an asciidoc post:
+ [2016-12-07T09:57:55Z] esr Flowinho: Alas. A good add-on project for somebody, but can't be me; fixing NTP is taking all my bandwidth.
+ [2016-12-07T09:55:00Z] esr Flowinho: I'm liking Jekyll so far. Is there a recommended comments add-on? I'm using Disqus now but have some privacy concerns about it.
+ [2016-12-07T09:53:36Z] esr Flowinho: Noted.
+ [2016-12-07T09:51:29Z] esr Flowinho: Thanks, but I just renamed to 'assets' for '_images' and that solves the problem See this:
+ [2016-12-07T09:46:59Z] esr Never mind. Found the answer. The docd say that any directory other than system specials will bee copied verbatim to the generated site, but fail to mention that if the name of your assets directory begins with '_' it gets misyaken for a special and you lose.
+ [2016-12-07T09:18:03Z] esr II'm a new user seeking help including images in posts. Is there something I need to configure to tell jekyll that an assets directory should be included in site generation?