+ [2016-12-07T21:45:11Z] allejo not without a plugin at least
+ [2016-12-07T21:48:28Z] allejo https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/4746
+ [2016-12-07T21:48:29Z] jekyllrb Title: ERB as a template engine option? · Issue #4746 · jekyll/jekyll · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2016-12-07T22:44:26Z] ragmaanir do converters chain? like when my ErbConverter writes a file with .md or .markdown extension, does the markdown converter kick in?

message no. 158523

Posted by esr in #jekyll at 2016-12-07T09:46:59Z

Never mind. Found the answer. The docd say that any directory other than system specials will bee copied verbatim to the generated site, but fail to mention that if the name of your assets directory begins with '_' it gets misyaken for a special and you lose.
+ [2016-12-08T15:19:58Z] tolusha Is any way open site build by jekyll without jekyll itself?
+ [2016-12-08T15:19:58Z] tolusha Hello.
+ [2016-12-08T15:19:58Z] tolusha I mean, I want to pack site into docs.war and deploy into Tomcat and have access to site via htpp://localhost/docs
+ [2016-12-08T15:22:14Z] allejo Jekyll outputs static html. So it can put anywhere
+ [2016-12-08T16:14:15Z] jaybe tolusha, jekyll outputs, by default, ./_site