latest 6 messages by fartface

+ [2015-03-16T20:08:40Z] fartface I might have to give it a shot, cheers
+ [2015-03-16T20:08:33Z] fartface Yeah, that was the impression that I got from the Jekyll overview.
+ [2015-03-16T20:06:24Z] fartface xtremely bloated because of how I feel like I've gotta organize them for the system.
+ [2015-03-16T20:06:24Z] fartface That's kind of what I figured, the only issue is that I'm not sure how well it (actually *any* system) is going to work for production. I'm coding for this old ass weird system that runs on IIS, and so a lot of the things require me to use server side includes, and I'm not sure as to how best to organize the project to allow for that while still keeping things light. I've already built two versions of the system, and they both "work", but they feel e
+ [2015-03-16T19:07:36Z] fartface I realize that's probably a shit question--I've got a ton of partials, and a couple of "base" layouts, but I'd like to generate all of the required HTML based on a series of layouts and partials--is that a better way to phrase that?
+ [2015-03-16T19:06:41Z] fartface I'm developing an application where I have a pile (like 150+) static HTML files in production, but I'd like to be able to somehow template those files, would Jekyll be a good solution?