+ [2015-03-16T20:08:33Z] fartface Yeah, that was the impression that I got from the Jekyll overview.
+ [2015-03-16T20:08:40Z] fartface I might have to give it a shot, cheers
+ [2015-03-16T20:08:44Z] pontiki sure thing
+ [2015-03-16T21:59:56Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5529 (fix-3393) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/54639420
+ [2015-03-16T21:59:57Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Free Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for the Open Source Community (at travis-ci.org)

message no. 84093

Posted by fartface in #jekyll at 2015-03-16T19:07:36Z

I realize that's probably a shit question--I've got a ton of partials, and a couple of "base" layouts, but I'd like to generate all of the required HTML based on a series of layouts and partials--is that a better way to phrase that?
+ [2015-03-17T01:40:55Z] ovrstorm Sorry missed you jaybe, I can't seem to get site.categories or site.tags to return anything for files that are not in _posts am I missing something?
+ [2015-03-17T02:05:02Z] johnwesley Hi. Anyone available for jekll assistance goodness? : )
+ [2015-03-17T02:10:08Z] NolskiBot Hey all, I have a quick question. I'm running a basic jekyll page and it isn't rendering the HTML in my markdown. Is there an easy way to have it render html within markdown files?
+ [2015-03-17T02:39:19Z] jaybe ovrstorm, correct; categories and tags, natively, belong to POSTS, which reside in */_posts/
+ [2015-03-17T02:39:33Z] jaybe johnwesley, best bet is not to ask to ask... but just to ask.