latest 20 messages by gabeio

+ [2016-03-31T00:59:08Z] gabeio I tried storing an image using the lfs but the place where the image should be there is just a blank image
+ [2016-03-31T00:56:28Z] gabeio are git lfs and github pages completely incompatible?
+ [2015-08-10T23:02:19Z] gabeio OMG phew okay added .patch to the end of the github url of the commit which gave me the patch diff and used git am to apply it to my repo :phew:
+ [2015-08-10T22:56:34Z] gabeio it said reference is not a tree:
+ [2015-08-10T22:56:22Z] gabeio i tried git checkout <hash> but I think it only exists on github :'[
+ [2015-08-10T22:54:21Z] gabeio okay WOW i actually just found the commit on github ... is there a way to reattach it?
+ [2015-08-10T22:48:17Z] gabeio I even checked the chrome://cache for any commits I looked directly at :/ sadly did not work
+ [2015-08-10T22:47:19Z] gabeio so I'll have to check the work computer but that doesn't sound likely...
+ [2015-08-10T22:47:00Z] gabeio yeah I tried that and either I did the commit on the web interface or I did it on a work computer
+ [2015-08-10T22:44:58Z] gabeio yeay I just shot myself in the foot...
+ [2015-08-10T22:41:52Z] gabeio I realize this is a really weird question but does anyone know how to find dangling commits on github? I kinda know github doesn't clear them even when you fork something but I was wondering if there was a way to run something like git fsck --lost-found but on github's side I created a commit a while ago on the website's git interface (bad idea) and then today force (also stupid) updated my fork...
+ [2015-04-20T22:39:12Z] gabeio the great canon @work again >.>
+ [2015-04-20T22:38:07Z] gabeio in the last minute it nearly doubled the page builds failure %
+ [2015-04-20T22:36:53Z] gabeio the status page, page failure rate is spiking like mad
+ [2015-04-20T22:35:16Z] gabeio borked? it's yellow light currently
+ [2015-04-20T22:33:26Z] gabeio maybe less often like load one page then a minute later surf to another and then it dies and I have to wait like a minute and then it comes back
+ [2015-04-20T22:32:10Z] gabeio seriously every other connection is dead :/
+ [2015-03-06T00:30:50Z] gabeio my entire account's gravatar image just changed wtf o.o
+ [2015-03-06T00:29:00Z] gabeio is anyone else noticing that the comment on an issue is showing the wrong user image/ someone else's image?
+ [2015-02-12T22:08:44Z] gabeio thanks!