+ [10 years ago] Seveas maybe contact !sgc
+ [10 years ago] gitinfo For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support
+ [10 years ago] Morrolan Recent version of IE? Could use the built-in dev tools to take a look at the http requets it's sending.
+ [10 years ago] Morrolan Might make support's life easier.
+ [10 years ago] mischief the X250 is a brand new computer

message no. 82520

Posted by gabeio in #github at 2015-03-06T00:29:00Z

is anyone else noticing that the comment on an issue is showing the wrong user image/ someone else's image?
+ [10 years ago] dony hello I have a repository that I've cloned from github some time ago now its been updated how can I update my file?
+ [10 years ago] thibaultcha dony: If you cloned it on your computer, a simple "git pull" will get you the latest changes
+ [10 years ago] meflin anyone around who can deal with a comunity/gsoc based issue ( not a student )
+ [10 years ago] Muchoz Is the wiki of a repository linked to a branch and therefore could be different in another version?