latest 17 messages by geoffrey_stoel

+ [2017-01-10T21:02:32Z] geoffrey_stoel hello allejo... have you been able to play with a windows VM?
+ [2017-01-09T23:48:54Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo... unfortunately yes.. it's a workaround so i can use our sharepoint server and serve out nicely formatted pages instead using statically generated html..
+ [2017-01-09T23:45:27Z] geoffrey_stoel for a quick workaround I can create a script that renames all my .aspx.html files to .aspx
+ [2017-01-09T23:44:46Z] geoffrey_stoel thanks for all the support though..
+ [2017-01-09T23:44:38Z] geoffrey_stoel gonna hit the bed now.. will be trying again tomorrow..
+ [2017-01-09T23:42:55Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo: is the file on your file system actually .aspx or is it .aspx.html (when I use the serve option it shows .aspx, but the server handles the conversion to .aspx.html in the background)
+ [2017-01-09T23:34:58Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo: thanks.. but it still generates the .aspx.html files under _site
+ [2017-01-09T23:09:52Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo: newbie in jekyll.. how can I set that output_ext?
+ [2017-01-09T23:04:38Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo: no it's the default post being generated with the new command (the one called welcome to jekyll)
+ [2017-01-09T23:01:14Z] geoffrey_stoel but the link from home is generated correctly as title.aspx instead of title.aspx.html
+ [2017-01-09T22:59:11Z] geoffrey_stoel however it generates the file in _site as title.aspx.html
+ [2017-01-09T22:58:52Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo: i changed permalink in config.yml to permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.aspx
+ [2017-01-09T22:42:01Z] geoffrey_stoel hi... can I change the extension being generated by jekyll from .html into something else (eg. .aspx so I can upload it to my enterprise sharepoint server)?