+ [2017-01-09T23:44:46Z] geoffrey_stoel thanks for all the support though..
+ [2017-01-09T23:45:05Z] allejo i'll start up a windows vm later and try to reproduce
+ [2017-01-09T23:45:27Z] geoffrey_stoel for a quick workaround I can create a script that renames all my .aspx.html files to .aspx
+ [2017-01-09T23:46:11Z] allejo is .aspx necessary? IIS can serve html files
+ [2017-01-09T23:48:54Z] geoffrey_stoel allejo... unfortunately yes.. it's a workaround so i can use our sharepoint server and serve out nicely formatted pages instead using statically generated html..

message no. 160733

Posted by geoffrey_stoel in #jekyll at 2017-01-09T23:34:58Z

allejo: thanks.. but it still generates the .aspx.html files under _site
+ [2017-01-10T21:02:32Z] geoffrey_stoel hello allejo... have you been able to play with a windows VM?
+ [2017-01-11T21:26:11Z] p3lim Is the jekyllrb.com site made with jekyll?
+ [2017-01-11T21:26:19Z] p3lim if so, is the source available somewhere?
+ [2017-01-11T21:47:50Z] jekyllrb (jekyllrb.com) (#1) http://jekyllrb.com, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/master/site
+ [2017-01-11T21:47:50Z] jaybe p3lim, hi! yes; sure is! :) [[ jekyllrb.com ]]