latest 20 messages by gewoonm

+ [2016-12-14T14:41:31Z] gewoonm Ofcourse the code is different (and a lot bigger, a lot more happens between the <div>'s), but you get the idea
+ [2016-12-14T14:40:30Z] gewoonm I've gone through those urls as well :) I've simplified now to:, but I was hoping I could combine lines 3&4 somehow. It works, but I'm curious if there are other ways :) If you have ideas, you could a pseudo-code example?
+ [2016-12-14T13:40:55Z] gewoonm I don't want to copy/paste that code
+ [2016-12-14T13:40:34Z] gewoonm hi jaybe, thanks for answering. But how to call them in that order? There's some display code underneath that's the same for all
+ [2016-12-14T12:55:13Z] gewoonm I've solved this as follows Is there a better way?
+ [2016-12-14T12:21:48Z] gewoonm hi all! I've got a collection, where each article has its own 'articlenr'. For my index I want to loop through these articles in a specific order (i.e.: 3,5,8,1,9,2). I cannot change the article-nrs, so how should I change my liquid filter? (currently: "site.articles | shuffle")
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:45Z] gewoonm entity_output: symbolic
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:45Z] gewoonm kramdown:
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:45Z] gewoonm markdown: kramdown
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:30Z] gewoonm entity_output: symbolic
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:30Z] gewoonm kramdown:
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:30Z] gewoonm markdown: kramdown
+ [2016-05-11T13:49:15Z] gewoonm my _config.yml looks like this:
+ [2016-05-11T13:38:11Z] gewoonm but I can't get it to work
+ [2016-05-11T13:38:05Z] gewoonm I'm guessing it could be done by setting Kramdown-option "entity_output" to symbolic (or numeric)
+ [2016-05-11T13:32:42Z] gewoonm it works with a proper UTF-8 tag in the header, but not all output channels will have this UTF-8 tag
+ [2016-05-11T13:21:13Z] gewoonm and maybe it shouldn'?
+ [2016-05-11T13:20:34Z] gewoonm it's just that the xml_escape doesn't convert html_entities
+ [2016-05-11T13:20:21Z] gewoonm so the order markdown/xml was okay, I think
+ [2016-05-11T13:19:54Z] gewoonm so it escapes the markdownify-generated stuff, but not the html-entities