+ [2016-12-14T23:43:33Z] ChinnoDog What is the most painless way to get livereload working in Jekyll nowadays?
+ [2016-12-14T23:49:03Z] ChinnoDog I just discovered hawkins.
+ [2016-12-14T23:50:01Z] ChinnoDog And it works! :D I don't know if modifying my gemfile will break my github pages though because I don't know enough about ruby.
+ [2016-12-14T23:50:34Z] allejo github doesn't use the gemfile
+ [2016-12-14T23:54:19Z] ChinnoDog Cool. In that case, this works great!

message no. 159283

Posted by gewoonm in #jekyll at 2016-12-14T12:55:13Z

I've solved this as follows http://pastebin.com/KuDtvipq Is there a better way?
+ [2016-12-15T20:17:26Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-coffeescript#39 The build has errored. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-coffeescript/builds/184352513
+ [2016-12-15T20:22:50Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-coffeescript#42 The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-coffeescript/builds/184353827
+ [2016-12-15T21:11:21Z] jaybe ./commits
+ [2016-12-15T21:11:22Z] jekyllrb 2016-12-15T15:14:47-0600: Update history to reflect merge of #5658 [ci skip] <https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/commit/25f58fe8f843a4d6d3fd59583f57edbe2d8ac51b>
+ [2016-12-15T21:26:10Z] osfameron is coffeescript still a thing?