latest 8 messages by glasser
ah, that's one of those sentences that makes perfect sense once I know the answer and is kind of vague before. But you're right.
it might be nice to mention this on
not the tradeoff I want to make, but looks great if you wanted to :)
Ah well. That's what I figured, since that's how OctoPress gets to be more powerful than raw Jekyll
pontiki_: sorry, when you say "it's not" do you mean "it's not the case" or "it's not different"? :)
well, I'd rather not go through the effort of porting my existing blog to OctoPress if the answer is "no, I'll lose the feature of being able to fix typos in the web editor" :)
Is that the case for OctoPress too or do I always need to run rake on a real computer?
quick question. I'm thinking of switching from bare Jekyll to Octopress for a blog hosted on GH pages. One thing I like about Jekyll is that I can occasionally just edit stuff through the GH web editor (eg on a phone) and since GH Pages knows about Jekyll, it'll do the processing automatically for me.