+ [12 years ago] glasser not the tradeoff I want to make, but looks great if you wanted to :)
+ [12 years ago] glasser it might be nice to mention this on http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/
+ [12 years ago] pontiki_ hmm, i read it in the docs someplace
+ [12 years ago] pontiki_ that is exactly what this means: "Github Pages for users and organizations uses the master branch like the public directory on a web server, serving up the files at your Pages url http://username.github.com. As a result, you’ll want to work on the source for your blog in the source branch and commit the generated content to the master branch"
+ [12 years ago] glasser ah, that's one of those sentences that makes perfect sense once I know the answer and is kind of vague before. But you're right.

message no. 3544

Posted by glasser in #octopress at 2013-06-28T16:31:11Z

well, I'd rather not go through the effort of porting my existing blog to OctoPress if the answer is "no, I'll lose the feature of being able to fix typos in the web editor" :)
+ [12 years ago] cptloop Hey, could anyone take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17320019/octopress-blog-deploying-error-no-such-file-or-directory-public-posts-build ? I am completely lost trying to figure it out. Something about .coveragerc not found?
+ [12 years ago] Guiri Hi. We're using Octopress for a collaborative blog but I'm running into a permissions issue. Whenever I rake, the permissions are changed to user:user. If I set them to user:sharedgroup then, of course, my friend can also rake generate his posts.
+ [12 years ago] Guiri Also, what happened to https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues? I was going to check to see if there was a bug posted for Google Plus One failing on blog posts
+ [12 years ago] DoctorHobo Hi! I'm using rbenv 1.9.3-p194. I installed "jekyll-scholar" via "gem". When I run "rake generate" I get a LoadError for jekyll/scholar, but when I run "jekyll build" everything works fine (including the jekyll-scholar features). I'm guessing this has something to do with rake, but I'm a Ruby newbie. Any ideas?