latest 20 messages by gnidmoo

+ [2015-06-05T10:33:06Z] gnidmoo Nevermind, I found the answer:
+ [2015-06-05T10:29:21Z] gnidmoo hi, I'm using kramdown and pygments. how to change tab size in blocks of code?
+ [2015-06-04T22:22:05Z] gnidmoo
+ [2015-06-04T22:21:03Z] gnidmoo hi there, I've these options in my _config.yml but the last two options doesn't seems to work, do you know what I'm doing wrong?
+ [2015-06-03T07:23:32Z] gnidmoo that's actually a problem with IDEs that automatically replace tabs by spaces, or spaces by tabs
+ [2015-06-03T07:22:18Z] gnidmoo If I prefer my code with a tab size of 4, but Mr. X prefers a tab size of 8, or 2, he could change it at any moment, he could choose
+ [2015-06-03T07:20:57Z] gnidmoo With tabs it's the same thing, the only settings they could/have to change is tab size, and it's a matter of preferences here
+ [2015-06-03T07:18:01Z] gnidmoo tab size or number of spaces, whatever
+ [2015-06-03T07:17:18Z] gnidmoo Oh, I see. You're right. But you still impose your own tab size to readers, so they can't do anything but accept it
+ [2015-06-03T07:12:53Z] gnidmoo and what do you mean by "betamax" ?
+ [2015-06-03T07:12:45Z] gnidmoo we're not talking about the commonly held opinion, but one that would suit everyone, writers and readers
+ [2015-06-03T07:08:17Z] gnidmoo pontiki, what do you mean?
+ [2015-06-03T07:06:20Z] gnidmoo I'm just trying to explain my point of you, sorry. The only argument you gave me was weak, so...
+ [2015-06-03T07:04:10Z] gnidmoo It's possible on github, by adding a little "?ts=<size>"
+ [2015-06-03T07:03:41Z] gnidmoo
+ [2015-06-03T07:01:40Z] gnidmoo yes, so what?
+ [2015-06-03T07:00:51Z] gnidmoo pontiki, which reasons so?
+ [2015-06-03T06:59:56Z] gnidmoo There's absolutely no reason (other than following a standard, or to be closed-minded) to use spaces for indentation
+ [2015-06-03T06:58:43Z] gnidmoo pontiki, sure, but when I read gynter: "any sane dev uses spaces indstead of tab" <= It's just silly